
Tax Consultancy

Tax consultants, also know as tax advisers, are experts in tax law, planning and compliance. A tax consultant typically expands on the role of tax preparer.

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Book Keeping

Typical financial transactions and tasks that are involved in bookkeeping includes Billing for goods sold or services provided to clients and recording receipts from customers.

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Accounting & Management Services

Businesses rely on well-organized and accurate financial records in order to maintain profitability and ensure that operations will run more efficiently on a daily basis.

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Special Features Of Our Services

  • Offering cost effective accounting and tax solutions according to business requirements.
  • Tax care performs audits and prepares accounts for all types of businesses in Pakistan. we offer comprehensive audit services in Lahore and help in identifying and managing your risks.
  • We develop optimal tax strategies to simplify the tax planning and compliance for businesses in Pakistan.
  • Business and individual organizations have full confidence in us to find a best promising solution in preparing tax returns.
  • We look at all aspects of our client business and see where we can help to reduce tax burden.
  • we understand each and every business is different by way of business processes, financial processes and systems, business drivers, products and services, so we tailor our taxation services to meet out clients specific business needs.
  • Our tax advisers Lahore are highly experienced across a wide range of industry sectors enabling them to structure highly efficient tax planning solutions for our clients.
  • We optimize clients tax planning requirements through the provision of long term solutions surpassing the expected minimization of tax liability.
  • Tax care business setup consultants offer practical and innovative solutions for setting up business in Lahore and any other city of Pakistan.
  • We are offering complete firm registration services in Pakistan including company name search, preparation of documents for company setup in Lahore.


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