Tax Consultancy

Tax consultants, also know as tax advisers, are experts in tax law, planning and compliance. A tax consultant typically expands on the role of tax preparer.

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Book Keeping

Typical financial transactions and tasks that are involved in bookkeeping includes Billing for goods sold or services provided to clients and recording receipts from customers.

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Accounting & Management Services

Businesses rely on well-organized and accurate financial records in order to maintain profitability and ensure that operations will run more efficiently on a daily basis.

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Striving to become the leading tax consultancy, public accounting, book keeping and corporate services institution.

TSP is a brand under which dedicated professionals who are committed to providing quality services to its clients in the areas of Income tax, Sales tax, accounting and internal audit services. Established in 2019 by Mr Zia Uddin & Muhammad Waqar Ali with a mission of providing customized consulting services to clients.

We are management consulting firm that serves a private, public and social business sectors . We help our clients make significant and and realize their most important goals. Our world is an inflection point, with technology transforming our clients, our profession, and society at large.

Powered by knowledge

Denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and we will give you a complete account of the system, and expound actual teachings
the great explorer.

Always innovating

Who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur in some great pleasure.


Property Income
Business Income
Capital Gain
Other Sources of Income


TSP understands that to help meet client challenges and
opportunities successfully


E-Enrollment with FBR provides you with a National Tax Number (NTN) or Registration Number and password. These credentials allow access to Iris portal, the online Income Tax system, which is only way through which online Income Tax Return can be filed.

Filing Of Income Tax

File online Income Tax Return by logging into Iris. Iris is online portal where Income Tax Return is filed. If you are a first time Income Tax filer, registration will be required before you can file your Income Tax Return. After registration you can log into Iris.

Sales Tax Return

A Sales Tax return is the taxpayer’s document of declaration through which taxpayer not only furnishes the details of transactions during a tax period but also deposits his Sales Tax liability, sales tax or federal excise duty.

We help our clients make significant and realize their most important goals.

Why Become A Tax Filer ?

  1. Are you still wondering why you should get your NTN and become a tax filer ?
  2. How can tax filing registration help you ?
  3. how to do online income tax filing verification ?
  4. Don’t worry; we have all the answers! Here’s why you should:

Tax Saving

Avoid Penalties

Lower Rate of WHT

Compliance Check


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